NLIS (National Livestock Identification System)
Quick Start Guide here and Transfer Guide here and NLIS System Manual here
Electronic ID tags and online record management is now mandatory for all Australian livestock producers. NLIS tag scanners will enable you to improve the productivity and health of your animals through enhanced electronic record keeping. Ensure your operation is fully compliant with the NLIS by capturing accurate electronic data for the movement of livestock on and off your property.
Electronic ID (NLIS) management is now simple and affordable with AgriEid scanners. Easy scan NLIS electronic tag numbers to your computer via USB or Bluetooth with AgriEid software.
Step 1: Make sure you have a PIC (Property Identification Code)
Does your property have an active PIC? Register for a New PIC here: or phone Local Land Services on 1300 795 299 to check if your property is already registered.
Step 2: Become accredited with the LPA (Livestock Production Assurance) Program
To move stock off your property, you need to complete a National Vendor Declaration (Cattle NVD and Waybill). You need to become accredited with the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program before you will be able to order an NVD book or use the NVD system electronically.
Complete the LPA accreditation course via the LPA website: or phone 1800 683 111.
Step 3: Order National Vendor Declarations (NVDs)
Order your NVDs via the LPA website or by phone. NVDs are issued in a book of 20 pre-printed with your PIC details, or are available on the LPA website as an eDec, or eNVD.
Order via LPA website : or phone 1800 683 111.
Step 4: Create an NLIS database account
You can register to access the NLIS database here:
All individual cattle movements must be recorded on the NLIS database:
- Movements of cattle to and from sale yards, abattoirs or shows are done by sale yard and abattoir operators or show
- All other cattle movements between PICs are recorded in the NLIS database by the owner or receiver of the cattle, g. when buying cattle in a private sale or through an on-line auction.
Be sure to register and your stock agent can also assist you to scan and record cattle movements.
It is important that you record your NLIS user ID and password somewhere you will be able to retrieve it.
NLIS Database User Guide is available here for FREE download.
NLIS online support : 1800 654 743 (option 2 then option 1)
Step 5: Purchase NLIS devices
NLIS devices can be ordered directly from the online store. Place your order at least 5 days before you need them. Click here to order NLIS CATTLE TAGS from
There are two ear tags colours:
White - breeder tags and Orange - post-breeder tags.
Breeder device (white)
Apply to animals born on your property. Note: White devices can be used to replace lost devices for cattle born on your property.
Post-breeder device (orange)
Apply to cattle no longer on their property of birth, or to introduced animals that have lost their original tag.
Step 6: Check and Securely Affix NLIS Tags on Stock
Before selling any stock, check each animal must have an NLIS approved ear tag. Breeder tags are to be used for home bred cattle, and orange post-breeder tags for bought in animals.
Failure to have NLIS electronic devices on livestock upon delivery to public sale yards can lead to major financial penalties (fines) so be sure you are NLIS compliant at all times.
Ensure your NLIS tags are properly affixed to the ear to ensure they are retained.
Ensure you have an NLIS scanner to accurately record stock movements on your property.

Apply tag to the RIGHT EAR only as shown in the graphics above
Cattle should have one NLIS tag only. It is illegal to remove an NLIS tag.
Step 7: Complete a National Vendor Declaration (NVD) form
The NVD or other movement document, such as a Transported Stock Statement, must be completed prior to movement of your stock.
- The NVD is a legal document and must be completed correctly and
- You must answer all questions on the
- Use an NVD for the agistment property if you are selling cattle from
- Keep your copy of the completed NVD for 7
It is illegal to make alterations to the pre-printed PIC in the NVD.

Further Assistance : or call the NLIS Hotline on 1800 683 111
Step 8: Complete transfer on NLIS database
NLIS Cattle is a device-based system. Complete a transfer onto or off your property in 4 simple steps.
Log onto the database, with your user ID and password.
Select ‘Livestock moved off or onto my property’ function. You can choose one of three methods of entering data - type in the details, upload a file, or choose from the list (simplest).
Enter the following details:
- Date of movement
- From PIC
- To PIC
- NVD Serial Number
Follow prompts to confirm details and send the information to the database.
With cattle, all you need to know to complete an NLIS transfer, is the NLIS ID or RFID of animals and what’s on the NVD: the PIC the animals are from, the PIC you are moving animals to (one of them must be your PIC), date of movement and NVD serial number.
Sale yards record movements of cattle to and from their premises and abattoirs record movements to the abattoir. Agents can assist in recording movements of cattle for your PIC after a livestock transaction.
Links for more information:
National Livestock Identification System website
NLIS Frequently Asked Questions
Contact the NLIS on or 1800 654 743.
NLIS User Guides here (transfer process) and (quick guide) here and (manual) here